What Up??
This week has been crazy, i feel like it has been months
since i emailed last! But everything is great :) On Sunday i was asked to give
a talk in sacrament meeting and it was kinda scary. all week i felt like
i want going to be picked to speak so i was like stressing about and then i
was!! i think it went okay..i talked on baptism and how it is need to enter the
kingdom of God. i shared what i remember about when i was baptized, and a
scripture. i hope that i will NOT be picked again! hahahaha!!! i had a crazy
experience that totally strengthen my testimony! We have to teach a
investigator named Nate (its our teacher who is role playing as someone from
his mission). the first 2 lessons i would feel impressed to teach something and
i would, but i would totally mess it up..like i couldn't express in words what
i was thinking and it was just horrible! Later both days we would go to
zone teaching and the lesson would be on the topics i tried to teach!!! i would
role play in zone teaching with the members in my groups and it would be
amazing!! i truly feel like i needed to have an experience teaching a really
bad lesson before i could teach it correct. i really zone teaching, i
feel the spirit so strong and love teaching about how to apply the lessons to
peoples lives. i hope i will be able to teach in the field like i do in
zone teaching.
on tuesday for the devotional Elder Scott came and talked to
us. he talked about prayer and how important it is..one of the many
things that suck out to me was when he talked about the three ways we could get
answers from our prayers. 1: we would get a good feeling and know we are doing
what is right. 2: we would get a feel that would discourage us and know what we
were doing was wrong 3: we would get a feeling to go ether way and just have to
act on faith, knowing heavenly father will not let us get off the path to far.
what was really cool was that he gave us an Apostolic Blessing!! my
branch president said that they don't give thoughts that often, so we needed to
write down what he said..i wrote it in my journal..it was cool.
So my branch president and his wife are so sweet...when i
met them for the first time, the first thing he said to me was that my dad was
one of his missionaries and that he knew i was his from my picture!! i was like
holy cow!! my dads mission president is my branch president!! cool
in gym this week we started playing Ultimate Frisbee, it was
soo much fun..i loved it because i could get in a great workout but still have
fun with my district! BUT on like Wednesday we were told that we couldn't play
anymore and that we would get in trouble if we did!!! dumb right!!! i was soo
mad and sad at the same time!! im sad because thrusday was the last day of gym
time because now all the time we are not in class we need to use to start
packing to leave for Minnesota!! its weird its almost time to go..im really
happy to go, but im really gunna miss the kids in my district. They are:
me, Sister Smith, Sister Simpson, Sister Curtis, Elder Ford, Elder Hughes,
Elder Marvin, Elder Thomas, Elder Curtis..and no the Curtis are not related :)
we have so much fun together and are really like one big family!
We got to go to main campus for in field training and that
was a lot of fun. we were in little classes all day to learn how to do
all kinds of stuff like planning and goals to working with the members in our
wards. the teachers were great and it made me super excited to go to
work! while i was there i saw my friend from work Sister Upshaw!! it was so
cool to see her here..she is going to Florida and leaves next week! she is
going to be an awesome missionary.
so i dont think i really explained where im really at..So
because there are so many missionaries im not up at the main campus..im at what
is called West campus..i really like it here because the rooms are bigger and
there are only four girls that share the apt. its nice to have all the
space to move around and not feel like you are stepping on someone.
i leave the MTC on wednesday morning!!! its weird it is
already time to leave..my next email will be from the land of 10,000 lakes!! i
love you all and am so grateful for all the support!! talk to you soon!!
Pictures..i hope they all were attached
1- me and my branch president and his wife
2-my room
3-me on my bed..yes i was nice and took the top bed :)
4-me and my friend from work
5-my district at the map
6-my shoes!
Sister Randi Hulet
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