Me and sister Rebber..she is from st george and
lives in my
stake! she is serving in La Crosse
My awesome winter snow coat and boots! yes I feel like I'm
one of those goth-kids
that wear the big, black trench coats and big bulky
boots! and I'm sure I look it too!!
This is how cold it was on our way home from the baptism!! |
Family and Friends!!
Well, it’s for real, winter is here!! I'm kinda having a
mini freak-out in my mind because I'm the most south you can go in the mission
and its still cold, I don't think it’s been over 30* at all in the last
week..I'm so grateful for my snow boots and have no idea! This week
has been so busy I feel like I haven't been able to catch my breath!! On Monday
we had a great family home evening with a family and one of our investigators
Sister S. We centered it all around how important the book of Mormon is in our
lives and how it was truly written for our time. To apply this, we made a
cake, but didn't follow the recipe because it was in a book that was made
a long time ago and outdated. It was a lot of fun and I think
that they enjoyed it!
On Tuesday and Wednesday it was good bye to Austin and hello
to Rochester and La Crosse, WI! my companion sister Wiggins is the sister
training leader over both areas and so we went and worked with
the sisters in those areas! It was a lot of fun! We met so
great people and helped add to both areas teaching
pool. I also got the chance to work with each of the sisters
and that was great! I learned so much from each of them and they were able
to give me ideas to use back here in Austin. The only down side
to this was sleeping on the floor, my back was NOT a
fan..needless to say I'm even more grateful for my bed!!
On Thursday I had one of my top ten
most embarrassing moments! so we are teaching this guy, brother N,
and our lesson was on Lehi's dream (1 Nephi 8 in the
BofM). We were helping him understand how he could apply
it to himself and what he needed to do to be able to make it to the
tree of life. So we were talking about the iron rod and the
mist of darkness and what they represent. As we talked about how
the mist of darkness could be the temptations Satan has we got
talking about how if we are continually doing the things we know is
right and holding to the rod, Satan knows that he can't get
us to commit some big sin like robbing a bank..he has to start out by
getting us to commit small sin before we would do anything major. So while we
were teaching this I used the example of robbing a bank and
right after I said it, I remembered that he is on parole for robbing
a bank!!!!! My face went tomato red and I thought that sister Wiggins and
our joint teacher were going to die..they were trying so hard not to
laugh..I felt so bad!! When we got out of the lesson, I told sister
Wiggins that I didn't want to go back because I’m sure that Bother
N was mad and would never want to talk to me again...But the day after I
made Oreos and I told him some and said sorry..forgave me and said that the
cookies were AMAZING!! so all is well, but still super embarrassing!
On Friday, i pretty much baked my brains out! it
was great! Now i'm sure you are thinking how is that missionary work..well
let me tell you: i made oreos for a lesson we were having friday
night, which turned out great..both my oreos and the lesson
and then our investigator
Brother B wanted us to make cookies for his baptism! Yes!! he was baptized this
week! it was awesome! Brother B was so happy after and couldn’t stop smiling! It was
awesome!! I'm not going to lie I felt really bad because he was baptized
the week after transfers happened, so the sister that had been teaching him
left..I felt bad that she couldn't be there to
see it.
Thanks for all the Love and Support! I hope that everyone
has a Happy Thanksgiving!!
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