Friends and Family!
I hope everyone is feeling the Christmas spirit, I know that
I am! for me the icing on the cake is the snow that just keeps on coming! I love
looking out of the window each morning before personal study time and seeing
the snow falling, it’s really awesome! I’m sure I feel this way because I didn't
have much snow in St George, ps I totally love how it snowed pretty good
after I left :) but it is really pretty to watch and puts me in the
mode to study my scriptures!
Well, I guess I should get the bad news out first, my awesome comp is getting transferred this week and I’m not happy about it...and I’m super nervous about taking over the area! At the moment, I don't really know how I’m going to do it..
This past week has been great! Monday was
district pday and it was quite the day. Our plan was for our
district to all come to Austin to go to the SPAM museum and so the
elders all drove down here and when they got here, we found out that the
museum was closed for a Private party...we were all super sad, but this
didn't stop us from doing our Christmas shopping! Ready or not family
because Santa is coming from AUSTIN!! ahahAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH
Monday evening our district leader was able to come teaching
with us and we had some serious miracles! at like 5pm all our appointments
canceled on us and we didn't know what we were going to do, so we told the
elders that we would just do some stop bys and then they could go back to
Rochester. We stopped by one of our investigators, Brother N and had a
great lesson! Having the Elders there was perfect! they were able to answer his
questions and relate to him in a way that none us as sister can't! it was
great to listen to him tell the Elders about all the great things that have been
happening in his life because of the changes he is slowly starting to make! it
was a testimony builder to me that progress at any speed is PROGRESS and to not
get down because things are not moving at the speed we want it to.
Tuesday was a good day, we had our Christmas training and
guess what!?! we watched a movie!! yup, and it was not a church movie! we watch
the movie Miracle about the USA hockey team! it was AWESOME! we also had our
normal spiritual meeting, so don't worry!
On Wednesday we had another great lesson with our Spanish
friend Brother J. Again, I couldn't understand a word that was being
said, but I felt the spirit! I was even able to say something in Spanish during
the lesson! it was pretty neat! Again, it amazes me that even when you don't
understand or even speak the language, you are able to feel the spirit
testify to you about the truthfulness of what is being said.
The challenge of the week was that sister Wiggins was under
the weather for 2 days and we couldn't leave our apartment! let’s just say that
the gift of studying all day was not given to me! I thought I was going to go
CRAZY!! I can only read so much of the Scriptures and preach my gospel before I
start to go CRAZY, but I survived and sister Wiggins is on her upswing! so that
is a Positive!
I feel like I notice more and more each day how much the
Lord has blesses us and sends us miracles all the time! it’s crazy how many
times a day he will put someone in our path, even when we don't get a return
appointment I know that there was a reason we needed to talk to them! All week
I have seen the Lord send us a miracle in the form of people we have met and
conversations we had..I know that he cares about even the small details of our
lives and that he answers all our prayers!
Thanks for all the support and love!
Sister Randi
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