This cool bear made out of WOOOOOOOD |
Pictures of sister Reber and I..just taking random pictures!
Friends and Family!!!
It’s been another cold week in the far away land of
Minnesota! No joke, I feel like I’m on another planet some days cause I never
know that it got this freaking cold! hahah we have been doing our best to stay warm
and I’m happy to report that I have all ten fingers and toes!
It has been a busy week, with so much going down! Its funny
cause I think that is way the week went by so fast! Crazy to think that its all
ready March 2014!
So, on Monday we moved! We spend most of pday packing
everything but the kitchen sink..cause there was not one! we could be
ready to move to a new home. The members we were living with had their
son move home and so that meant the sister missionaries got the boot! Sister
Reber and I were super sad cause we were just getting to know them and would
miss seeing them each night when we would return home from our daily
adventures...We were moved to another member’s home until the mission office
could find an apartment for us...and what do you know...they found one! and we
moved yet again on again we packed everything up and moved it
again. Life of a sister missionary right there! In the mist of all the moving,
we went on exchanges with our STLs (sister training leaders). I went to North Field with a sister Sister
Hyland....she is from Northern Utah and is one transfer a head of was
funny when she said that we were one of the oldies in the mission! I kinda
freaked out in my head when she said that cause I don't feel I’ve been out that
long! We had a 24 hour exchange and it was fun..we met with a lot of
awesome still blows my mind to think that people let two random
girls into their homes to talk religion, like this truly must be the Lords
work. We knocked on a door of an older Asian lady who told us to come her broken Asian-English and started showing us pictures of her family
and telling us all about her, like we were old friends! it was crazy! We were
able to talk to her about the Restoration and give her a Book of was
coolbeans! While on exchanges we also met with some YSA girls, Sister M
and Sister E. We went over and they fired tons of questions at us about
the Plan of Salvation and the Kingdoms of Glory. It was a different
experience because the hole time I couldn't tell if they were laughing at us or
themselves because of the questions they asked..when we left I didn't know if I
should laugh or be offended. However, despite all the questions, we had
one funny moment...So Sister M and Sister E had made us some brownies and they
were really good! let me tell yall what she put in them: brownie mix from the
box, milk, eggs, cinnamon, and coffee! When sister M said she put coffee in
them, the look on Sister Hylands face as priceless! It was like you had just
told a kid that Santa was not real!! I just died of laughter! But the best was
Sister M...she was so sad!!! she told us that she had completely forgot we
could have coffee and was so sorry!! it was funny! After we left, I laughed
and thought nothing of it...well, on Saturday we had breakfast at our bishops
house with the elders in our ward-who are also the district leaders- and the
first thing that came out of Elder Lawtons mouth was: "Sister Hulet, I have
a commitment for you....Will you live the word of wisdom?" At first I was
kinda lost, like why was he asking me that? did I miss something? and then I remembered
what had happened! it was funny..however, I really don't know how he found out
about that??? it was really funny!
Thursday was zone was great! We learned about
how we can ask better questions to help understand the needs of our
investigators and how we can use those questions to help them testify of the
principles we was great! We also talked about 1 Nephi 8.
President Elhert pointed out why some people had fallen away after they had
partaken of the fruit from the vs. 25 it says that they were
"ashamed"..he went on to say that ashamed could be switched with
feeling like they had no value..he talked about how when we feel that we have
no value it is another tool that Satan uses to lead us away...and it worked for
those people. My old companion Sister Wiggins is in my zone and it was
awesome to see her and to catch up on how she is doing and all the fun
experiences she is having in the world of Spanish work. she is so great
and I’m sad that she will be going home at the end of the transfer!
During Zone training we also got this really stylish step counter that we
all get to wear all day every day to count the number of steps we take and a
bunch of other stuff related to that..we were asked to move more and to record
the steps we take each day..We have been asked to walk 10,000 steps each day
and to take 6 walking brakes..they said that there is a connection to movement
and Revelation. We are more inline to receive revelation when we are
moving..they also talked about how it will help those who are at risk of now all of the missionaries in the MMM have these and they chip
every hour to remind us we need to talk a 5 min. walk! Its great!
Yesterday was fast Sunday and they have become the best
Sunday of the month! I love fast and testimony meeting....this Sunday the kids
stole the show and it was so great!! I loved hearing their simple testimonies
because they bring the spirit like no other! The kids of the church truly
understand the gospel in a way I never could! I love that they are not afraid
to stand and share what they know to be true. It was awesome to hear
them! One of our investigators also stood up and shared her testimony and
it was amazing! It made my day!!! She is so strong and such a great example to
me of a women who never gives up..not matter what life brings you. She is
so wonderful and I’m so grateful to know her. Following this great Sunday
service sister reber and I went to work..we were knocking doors and not having
much she said we should stop by a potential that we had taught a
couple of weeks ago...and what do you know! They let us in and we had an awesome
chat about the plan of salvation...i kinda felt bad because the they talked to
us about a bad experience they had with missionaries of another faith and how
they just didn't like the feeling that come into their home when they were it left the door open for us to teach and testify about how much joy
the plan of salvation brings to our lives and our families! It was a good
Things are moving right along and miracles are happening
each and everyday! I’m so grateful to be serving my heavenly father and to be a
part of HIS work! Thanks for all the love and support!!! I hope yall have a
great week!!
Sister Randi
I think the kids always steal the show in fast and testimony meetings. They are near and dear to everyone's heart and sometimes make Sacrament bearable. Just kidding!!!