Friends and Family!!!
It has been some REALLY rainy days in Minnesota!! how crap!
I never knew so much water could come out of the sky at one time!!! it has been
crazy and word on the street is that its not gunna stop until later this week! Sister
Reber and I are kinda freaking out in our minds cause it’s the end of the month
and we are low on miles again, go figure! hahahaha!!! you think that I could
budget miles like I do money but it’s not working out to well!!! haha! Well,
I'm happy to report that Sister Reber and I are together for another
transfer...I hope that Sister Reber will be able to handle me
for another 6 weeks...yes I have been praying for her! Besides the
rain, it has been a good week...and for the record, I like the rain, when I don't
have to you outside in it all the day long!
The highlight of the week was our trip to the temple!
it was so good. The spirit that is at the temple is
like no other! I just LOVE IT! it was fun to be there with
a big group of missionaries. Like over half the people there were
missionaries! I got to catch up with some of my friends from the MTC, so that
was really cool. It was fun to hear how they have changed and
all the cool experiences they have had. I think that is one thing that I have
come to love about my the personal change that happens to
YOU! I have learned far more then I think others have learned from
me...its very humbling to think about it!
Sister Reber and I have been teaching a lot, which is
so awesome! Its really cool to see how much the area has grown since I have
been here! We have been more busy then ever! Our investigators are moving right
along and it’s fun to see how they are beginning to make changes to bring their
lives closer to Christ. I love watching people change, it’s so
coolbeans! Our investigator Sister W is so sweet. We were talking to
her on Thursday after our lesson and she was telling us how grateful she
was that she let us in her door all those weeks ago because she loves
the "energy" that we bring. It was funny to hear
what her thoughts were about that day. She told us that she had
no idea why she was letting us in her home, but she just felt
like she should..she then said that it was the best thing
she did. it was so humbling to then hear her say over and over
" you girls, just don't know what you have done for me" At
that moment, I felt like I was in the right spot at the right time.
Sister W is so sweet and I feel so blessed to be serving her!
Sister K is doing great too. We met with her this
week and put together a baptism calendar. She is get these big
eyes whenever we talk about her baptism, it makes Sister Reber and I so
excited! I cannot wait for her baptism, that will be such a great day for
everyone, because she has been investigating for so long! But it just goes to
show that everything happens in Heavenly Fathers time...we
just need to make sure that we are setting a good example and never giving
up on people. She talks about all the people that have come teaching with
the missionaries over the years and how nice they have all been, it
was so fun when they all come up to her at church at welcomed her made all the difference! I know that member missionary work is the
key! the example of the members I've met out here make me want
to do better when I get home :)
So, Monday was district pday and it was a lot of
fun. We all met at the church and played volleyball and ultimate was so much fun!!! I love to play Frisbee! it was so funny to
watch the Elders get into it and even funnier to watch them try and get
their Frisbees out of the trees!!! Volleyball was fun too! Not gunna lie,
I'm getting better at that sport and so St. George better watch out when I get
home :)
So, Sister Reber and I have this new pet! its a pink peep
named weeeellll, we have not got a name for him yet so....I we will just call
him who shall not be named at this time..but I have a picture of him! and the
other picture is of me and my wand that I told yall about last week..if you
don't remember: last week I found my wand! its 12 inches and made of
dragon-heart string!!! and the last picture is of me with blue lips..Sister
Rebers family has a thing where each year at easter they get blue candy eggs
and use it as lip-stick and take pictures!!! No worries mom, Sister Reber
wouldn't let me knock doors with it on..But I really wanted too!
Sister Randi
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