Friends and family!!
Monday was our pday! I got to go get my hair did, it looks
so much better! holy cow!! Sister Pead laughed cause there was enough
hair on the floor to make a small dog! its blonder again and I look more
myself...its been awesome! We also went over to one of our investigators homes
and helped her do some cleaning. that was fun...then we had dinner and went
back to work. We met with sister W and had a great lesson on Faith.
We watch a mormon message and the spirit was really strong. We had
one of the young women with us, which is always fun. I like taking the youth with us because they
have the best insights when it comes to the gospel.
Tuesday was our last training with President and Sister
Clements....there was a really serious feeling in the room...we closed the
meeting with the song: God be with you until we meet was really sad.
I'm going to miss them, yet I’m super excited to work with President and
Sister Forbes. The Clements took pictures with all of us and so I will
send one with this email. I don't know
what it is about training that make the rest of the week feel off, but from Tuesday
on my week as felt off...its been weird!
Wednesday, we did some service over at the C families
house..sister C made us breakfast and then we pulled weeds and did some yard
work. After we worked, sister pead and I had to show the girls how to do flips
on the tramp...the cutest part was the smallest c girl tried to do one and it
was the cutest little thing! I wish I would of had my camera! they are so
So here is the’s the end of the month and we
have like NO miles!! And we have a dinner/lesson in what do sister
pead and I do...we hop on our bikes and bike all the flilp there! because of
all the biking we have been doing, it didn't take as long as we thought, but I can
still feel it in my legs! we had a awesome lesson with brother and sister B.
We ate first, we had pizza..never in my life have I liked pizza as much
as I have on my mission! Sister pead and I joke that when you on a mission all
your taste-buds are gone! cause we eat EVERYTHING! hahaha, but the pizza was
really good, so ya. Our lesson was on the word of wisdom. We made
some awesome visuals, brother b thought they were pretty funny! we had him feed
"bob" all the good food (we made a envelope thing and brother b was
able to put the food in bobs mouth) and throw all the bad food in the
trash(again there was an envelope thing and brother b was able to throw the
food in the top of the trash). It was really cute and would be perfect
for teaching little kids!
On friday, we went out to dinner with our investigator
sister W..she took us out for my birthday! it was so sweet of her..we went to a
place just down the street from our house, and it was really good! After lunch
we did some gardening for her...we were moving plants from one area in her yard
to another...I was the runner and sister pead was the digger-outer. I was running up the hill to take the plant to
sister W, when sister pead called my name..I ran down to her to see why she was
freaking out..this is what happened-
sister pead: sister hulet! look!!
sister hulet: what?
sister pead: what does that look like to you?(pointing to a
random plant in the flower garden)
sister hulet: What the heck! (counts the five leaves)
ummmm..sister w!
thats not marijuana!
It was my birthday! and one I will not forget! we had a baptism-one
of the elders investigators-all his family was baptized a couple of months ago
and he wanted to know for himself before he got was a lot of fun!
then after the baptism, his family and another recent convert family took sister
pead and I out for lunch! it was awesome!!! we went to chills, I had hot
wings! they were so good!! after that it was dinner time and so sister
pead and I rode our bikes..we got like 1 mile from our apartment and the RAINS
cane down!!! by the time we got to dinner we were so wet, if we rang out our
clothes we could fill a small swimming pool! the members just laughed and
laughed! they thought it was so funny! Of course the rains stopped during
dinner and once we got back on our bikes, it came again! we got some awesome
videos of us riding through the flooding zone and then we went and helped
people fill sand-bags..that was fun! They looked at us like we were crazy to be
in skirts! PS! all my stuff that was in my bag got so wet and now
smells like FISH! its GREAT!!
in all it was a great birhtday and one I will never forget! I have never ate so
much! thanks to all who send me cards and stuff! they were awesome!!
yall know the
saying: sunday is a day of rest, what NO serving a mission! I don't know why,
but sundays are always the longest and stressful days of the week! we had
church and the gospel principles teacher was not here, so sister pead
and I taught the was ok.....i hate winging it because it makes me
so nervous! I never know what to say..thank heavens for companions! sister pead
rocked it!! it helped that she taught that lesson in her last area! haha!!
Sunday night we had a teaching evaluation with a less active in our
was really good! the spirit was there!! its really cool how different each
restoration lesson is...we cover the same points, yet each are so
sacrament meeting I was thinking about the past 12 months and what has happened
since i've been in Minnesota and a scripture popped into my head: moroni
7:2 it talks about the gift of a mission that heavenly father has given so grateful for all I have learned and has not been
easy, but it has been so worth it! i'm super excited to get to know the Forbes
better, its going to be different! I met them on saturday they came to the
baptism in our ward and sister Forbes told "selfies" of us, the
elders and president and her! it was so funny!! President Forbes was
like: can we do that?? and Sister Forbes said: why not??? they are our
missionaries and i'm gunna send the pic to our sons! it was funny!! the elders
texted us latter that day and asked if we had ever taken a "selfie"
with sister clements....we said no....
But ya..that
was my week! Thanks for all the love and support!
Sister Randi