Friends and Family!!!
It has been a great week in the MMM! Where has the
time gone...it’s totally June already!! It was really crazy to me when I looked
in my planner and saw that I’m in my last week of the transfer this week!!! The
past 6 weeks have gone by so fast! It makes me nervous!!!
We went to the Minnesota Zoo, and oh my gosh!!! it was so
fun!! Sister Reber and I went with sister B from our ward, who is one of my
favorite people!! She is so funny!! I loved the zoo! We saw all kinds of
fun animals..like bears, camels, wolfs, tigers, prairie dogs ;)...and so much
more! I would have to say that my favorite part was when sister reber and I rode
a camel!! Skirt and all!
Not gunna lie, it was hard to get back to work after the
zoo, that is all sister reber and I talked about..and still are talking about! On
Tuesday we had a great lesson with a less active, Sister S. Sister s has
been working on coming back to church for the past couple months. We have
been teaching her once a week and felt like she was not understanding
completely. We have been trying to help her prepare for the temple, but
says that she didn't really feel the need..it broke my heart. However, our
lesson on Tuesday was a game changer! Sister reber and I were talking during
companion study about what to teach her. I felt like we should talk about the plan of
salvation and again temple work. My thought was that she needs to
understand really what we do in the temple. Sister reber liked it so that
is what we went with. Holy cow was that inspiration or what!! When we got
to sister s's home, she told us that it had been a hard day because she
couldn't get her daughter out of her head (her daughter past away a couple
years ago). We talked about the plan of salvation and temple work and her
eyes lite up!! she was so excited!! Her new goal is to get to the temple!! It
was so awesome!! I know that heavenly father prompted us to prepare that
lesson...it was what sister s needed to hear! It was perfect!
We had another great lesson on Wednesday with our
investigator sister k. It was so cool to follow up with her on how her
church experience was last week. She told us that she LOVED it and it was
the highlight of her week. She said that it was cool how she felt at
peace there and how that peace stayed with her throughout her week! She said
that she cannot wait for this next Sunday. (she came to church again and loved
it just as much!!) we talked about the plan of salvation..she really like it,
my favorite part of the lesson was how she would point out how she knew pieces
of the plan from studying in her other faith, but it was just pieces, not the whole
thing..she said that she loves that she is now able to see the whole picture
now!! it made me so happy inside! sister k is just on fire, she reads each day
and is now teaching us stuff from the book of Mormon that she has learned!! it
is so coolbeans!
on Thursday we had a party at our investigators house,
sister w. We not only had a member with us but the mission president’s
wife with us! It was really fun and of course the spirit was strong, as all our
lessons with sister w are. We sat out on her dock on prior lake, it was
so beautiful! I would have never thought I would miss the water as much as I do!
I wanted to swan-dive off her dock! haha!! no worries I was totally focused on
our lesson, I promise! We talked about the word of wisdom and the spiritual and
physical blessings the Lord gives us as we follow it. sister Clements (mission president’s
wife) was able to explain it in such a great way, so that sister w could
understand it! it was awesome! I’m so grateful to be able to work with sister
w..she makes me smile whenever I think about her!
we did some great service on Friday! We were able to go and
weed our ward mission leaders flower beds! it was fun, who would have thought
that I would enjoy it!! Back when I was at home, I would do anything and
everything to get out of doing yard work..funny how now I will do anything and
everything to DO yard work! hahaha!!! it was a beautiful day and sister reber
and I were able to get some much needed sun!
so Saturday was the last day of the month and like
normal...we were so out of miles!! we were on our bikes all day!!! it was both
good and bad..good because we were able to talk to everyone we saw on the
sidewalks!! I think we talked to more people who were out and about then most
days..however, it was kinda overcast and raining for part of the day..so we may
have gotten a little wet..just maybe...
I love fast sunday cause you never know who will share their
testimony. One primary girl got up and shared the BEST testimony ever!!
it was so awesome....she talked about how if we are reverent at church we can
feel the holy ghost and that she knew that he was here today!! it made me
cry..inside. sister b also got up and shared her testimony!! it was so
good!! she talked about how her daughter would all fast Sunday: "starve
and cry day" she then said that she had forgotten about the starving
part but got the crying part down! it was really funny, but she followed that
up with a really great testimony! i'm so grateful for the ward I’m serving in!!
I just love the people!!! I feel so blessed to be in here!
so, that is a quick recap of my life this week! hahaha! it
was pretty great, if I say so myself. i'm so grateful to be serving in
Minnesota. in our zone conference last week, I was able to look at the
past 9 months from a new perspective..it’s so cool to see how heavenly father
knows just what you need in your life, at just the right moment! He has given
me this gift of a mission when I needed it most! I will forever be
Thanks for all you love and support! it makes my weeks so
much brighter! I hope yall have a great week!!!!
PS! I will send pictures in another email..so yall are gunna
get like 50 emails... :)
Sister Randi
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