coolest glasses/straw ever! haha
us with the peay family and kids |
the helmet totally makes the picture!
service at sister Ks house!
Friends and family!!
What a morning! I opened my email and it has been blown up
with pictures of dead, most missionaries would freak out..but
here is the was the BEST thing ever! you see, they were pictures of
my "little brother" and his success this weekend with his bow! I’m
totally still smiling about it! His face was so happy!!! And it just makes me
happy to know that he is happy and having fun! Stu! you are the BEST! I love
you little man!
Moving on to missionary work! so, here is the thing, it has
been a hard week. the days have been forever and a day long and that it
was NEVER gunna end. with that being said, there has been so many great
moments this week! I love how no matter how hard the days or hours seem, at the
end of the day, if you really look at your day, you will find SO MANY
MIRACLES!!! Heavenly Father is just too good! and I love him!
I would have to say that the highlight of my week has been
meeting with our new investigator V. She is just so awesome!! We met with
her twice this week. On Tuesday we met and guess what!!! we set a baptism
date for September 27th!! and she said YES!! it was awesome! we also taught the
end part of the plan of salvation. Can I just say that I LOVE the plan of
salvation! is the best! I mean..there is no questions to why we are here and
what our purpose in life is...And the whole Atonement! Its just so wonderful! I
feel so blessed to have this knowledge! Back to V, so she totally loved it! and
said that she was really excited to come to church with us on sunday. We
met with her again on saturday and talked about faith in Jesus Christ.
When we asked her about her reading...she was all, ya..i'm in 2 nephi!!
uuummmmmm she is reading through that book, like I did twilight! its crazy! Our
lesson went great!! As we talked about faith in Jesus Christ, we read out of
the popular chapter of Alma 32 and sister pead drew a heart with a seed in it
and then a tree growing out of it! it was the best!! But as we talked about the
whole idea of faith being like a seed, it totally clicked for me that acting on
your faith is SUPER important. like if we don't act on our faith then we don't
really grow in our faith in Jesus Christ! James totally knew what he was
talking about then he wrote that faith without works is dead! and if I need
another example I will just bring the plants that are sitting in our
apartment..they have not been acted upon and look a little bad! But
on V came to church for the first time this week and it was great! she just
looked so happy to be there. Later sunday night, she texted us saying : I
have a problem....i'm really excited for church next week!! Guys, she
send this sunday was so funny, however, at the sametime I had to
pinch myself to make sure that this was not as dream...who is excited for
church...i should take notes and remember her excitement when I don't want to
go. hahah! no worries mom, I wrote I down in my journal!
sister pead and I had a miracle this week. we had over
booked ourselves..again..and were working through our lunch. We were sitting at
the coffee shop teaching V...funny right, and we already talked about the word
of wisdom....But this guy comes up to us and asks us if we are the sister
missionaries. as I looked up at him, I thought: oh no, we are totally
gunna be yelled at right in front of our investigator who just said she wants
to serve a mission after she is baptized. The guy then asks us if we have had
lunch..sister pead then says no..the guy drops a roll of $10s on our table and
as he walks away says: I loved it when members bought me lunch on my
mission......Here is the thing! we have no idea who this guy he is
not in our ward! it was crazy....we all just looked at each other and
thought..did that totally just happen!?!? it was awesome and crazy!
Last monday we had a zone was a lot of fun! we had
lunch together..the elders asked us to bring cookies...and can I just say that the
chocolate chip ones that I made where freaking good...not to toot my own horn
or anything....but we played sports and had a fun time together. guess
who was there!! SISTER WIGGINS!! and it was totally awesome! we were able
to catch up and stuff so that was fun!! it was a party!! This week sister pead
and I changed our pday to tuesday and are going to go to the state fair with
some members! I cannot wait! its gunna be a lot of fun! I will send home
pictures next week! I cannot believe that we are going on week 5! transfers are
next week and i'm not gunna lie, i'm really nervous! i've been in prior lake
for 7 months! and I’m not sure I’m ready to leave...but we will see next
thanks for all the love and support! I have the best friends
and family!!
Sister Randi