Family and Friends!!
What a long week!! Today is awesome because I thought that Monday
would never come!! It has been the longest/ greatest weeks, funny how feeling
the spirit can totally just drain you emotionally and physically and then you’re
so tired, yet it was totally worth it! Because it was the end of the month,
sister pead and I were on bikes for the first part of the week and it was HOT!!
There were a couple of days where the minute we walked outside, we had sweat on
our arms from the was crazy! After a year, you would think that I was
somewhat used to it, NOT!
So, we had SO many miracles this week, I love how Heavenly
Father blesses us-even when we don't feel like we should be blessed. I don't even know where to start, maybe with
Sister W. On Thursday we had a beast of a lesson on so many levels.
First, she told us that she got her answer about baptism!! She told us
about how she had this feeling not of yes or no, but of support and that it was
up to her what to do...Sister Pead committed that that was because she knew
what she was going to do and that she was right...Heavenly Father does support
her in the choice to be baptized. She was really excited about it! I didn't
know where to shout for joy or cry...I have LOVED being a small part of her
spiritual journey and watching her change as she has learned more about the
restored gospel. We watched a Mormon message called the hope of Gods
light-which is AMAZING!! if you have not seen it, you should cause it changed
my life! When we walked back to the living room after watching it, I looked
out her window that looks out onto Prior Lake and saw the sunset over the
Lake... and then it hit me that God is REAL and that he loves us. He know
each of us personally and has a plan for us....words really cannot describe how
I was just really quite in my head and peaceful. However, back to
sister W, she is just excited for baptism, but she told us that she is still
nervous a little, I had to laugh cause are we not all nervous before we do
something good?? We told her that it was totally normal to be nervous and if
she wasn't, I would be nervous!!!
Another miracle was on Saturday. We were over at the C
families doing weeded and we got a call from a girl named V. She had a
friend who was in our ward a while back and wanted to know more about our
church and wanted to build her relationship with God....and wanted to know if
we knew someone she could talk to about that....i laughed cause that's my job
at the moment!! to talk to people about Jesus! So, we are going to meet with
her tomorrow! I have NEVER had some one call us wanted to meet with us! So I was
super excited and will update yall on that next week!
On Sunday during church we sat with a little boy named Jordan
in our ward. He is 4 and just the cutest thing ever!! with the chubbiest
cheeks ever!! I just want to kiss them, but that is not allowed so I don't :)
But he noticed that I had mints in my purse (thanks to me mum!) and wanted one,
so I gave him one and told him that it would make his breath smell good.
So he popped it into his mouth and then tapped his dad and blew in his
face and said: dose my breath smell good cause I ate a "cement"!! it
was so funny! We laughed all day about it!! and that night when we went and had
dinner with them, I asked Jordan how his "cement" was...he just
smiled and said that his breath smelled good!
Sunday night we met a guy named Brother M. He has 4 kids and
has a really cool tattoo on his arm with all their names, but we talked to him
about families and shared the restoration with him and it was just totally
coolbeans! at the end he told me that when I told him about Joseph Smith and
his experience when he prayed, that he got the coldchills and it was not
because the wind was really awesome!! we told him it was the spirit
and NOT my good story telling skills! so we are going back to teach him
this week! hopefully we can teach the family too!
On Thursday was District Leader Froggin's first district
meeting and he did a great job. Our training was not working with less
actives, recent converts and part member families. it was really cool
cause he shared a story about how they have seen success by doing it, and on
Sunday sister pead and I saw it in action for ourselves. Sister G a
recent convert shared her testimony about how the gospel has brought more
happiness to her life and her families lives..she told us about how she was
talking to her friend about it and how she wants to introduce the missionaries to she got our card after church and is planning on giving it to her
friend. District Leader Froggin's training totally prepared sister pead
and I for this experience!
Well, thats about it! I hope yall have a great week!! thanks
for all the love and support!!
Sister Randi
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