Family and Friends!!
What an awesomely spiritual weekend! it feels really weird
to email again...i feel like I was just here typing away not to long
ago...anyway....this week has been so great and I’m so spiritual tired it’s not
even funny! V got baptized and it was AWESOME!! Her dad came to support her and
just loved it...after the service we talked to him a little and he said that he
is just so grateful for all the church has done for V and this will not be the
last time we see him! Can yall say "our next investigator" I really
hope so :) But it was a really good service. The members that talked did
such a great job and totally brought the spirit.....when V got into the tank,
she was so excited, you could see her shaking....then when brother Benjamin
pulled her out of the water, she had such a big smile on her face! She cried
and did a happy dance! it was so cute!! sister pead and I were so happy for
her! at the end of the service she shared her testimony and holy cow!! she
totally puts me to shame! she has been learning about the gospel for a little
over 6 weeks and has such a strong testimony! it was so powerful and great! I may
or may not have had a tear.....
She told us how excited she was to serve a mission in a
year! I laughed!! she is already thinking about a mission and going to the
temple!! its crazy! I hope that sister pead and I will be able to keep up with
her!! overall, it was fabulous! i'm so happy for her and cannot wait to see
what her future in the gospel holds!
Woman's broadcast was boss, like always! it makes me so
excited for general conference the week! the talks were great! I really liked
sister burtons talk about being prepared for when Christ comes again. She
talked about the parable of the 10 virgins and what we can do now to save
up oil for our lamps. after her talk I told sister pead that we get like 100
drops of oil for serving a mission! she laughed and agreed! of course
president uchtdorf's talk was also a favorite! I cannot wait to read and study
the talks when they come out on lds,org in printable version!
On Sunday night we met with sister K our recent convert and
her daughter, B. B has been coming to church with her mom and all the
other activates...and last week she came with us to presidents fireside and on
the way home we got talking and I think we were able to break the ice and earn
her all week sister pead and I have been thinking about how we can
help B progress and take ownership of her conversion and not just ride on her on sunday we did our lesson and B got more into it then she has in
the before we left, I asked her if she has thought about baptism for
herself at all...she smiled and said that she has and she does want to be
baptized! it was so cool!! So, we are now going to start focusing on her and
helping her progress to baptism!! its so cool how much the Lord has blessed
sister pead and i!! like, right when we think we are going to have to start
from the beginning again, people come out of the woodwork! its crazy!
So, funny story about the elders! they always call or text
us the most random questions like: "how do we boil eggs?" ...and last
night was the icing on the cake...they call us freaking out cause it’s like 6pm
on a Sunday night and their gas light just came on...and they need to get to
Bishops that night for our weekly meeting with they ask us what to
do?? and how many miles they could drive on E....LIKE WE KNOW THESE THINGS! But
we come up with some ideas: 1-get roller blades and a rope and we can pull them
to bishop’s house 2-go get gas 3- call brother cassell! they didn't like any of
our ideas....but ended up calling brother cassell and he had a gallon of gas he
could give was really fun and I’m sure that cause I’m a missionary
and I think everything is funny.
Well, today is zone pday and we are going to go to the park
and play, ya! that should be fun! Thanks for all the love and
Sister Randi