Family and Friends!!
Holy cow! it’s been a great day for a baseball game! well,
it was kinda cold, but ask me if that stopped me from getting ice cream in a
helmet...I think NOT! haha!! It was really good...and the game was fun too! I just
love baseball!! I got to have spits and a hot dog and just enjoy! It was so
much fun! We went with most of our district..the zone leaders didn't come cause
they are lame....and they really missed out! the twins were up 2-1 when we had
to leave to catch the tracks home :( it was ok though cause it started to rain
and they took the players off the field so, ya.....but other than that it was a
blast! I’m so glad we got to go.
Last week was good, we just did our thing. V had her
baptism interview and she passed with flying colors!! We are so excited for
her!! her baptism is on Saturday and its gunna be awesome. We met with
her yesterday and talked about general conference! She is going to come with us
to the woman's conference on Saturday night, so that should be good. I love
general conference so much! It’s almost as good as Christmas, only we don't get
to talk to our families.....but ya, I’m so excited!! It’s gunna be great! Funny
story! so for the past couple conferences I’ve wondered where I would be for the
next one....and what is so crazy!! I know where I will be for the April 2015
one!!! and it makes me kinda nervous to think about it!! haha!!
On Sunday we got to go to President's Fireside! Our recent
convert Gina spoke and I hear she did a great job...I would have heard it if it
were not for the car accident that happened in front of us! I was a little bent
that I couldn't hear her speak!! She said that she is going to share what
she said in the next fast and testimony meeting and we are just gunna have to
wait for that! not gunna lie, I don't know if I can wait that long....but I’m
gunna have to! In sacrament meeting on Sunday, our other recent convert Travis
got the priesthood!! That was so awesome!! He is going to be able to pass the
sacrament!! How cool is that! It just makes me really happy when I think about
it...I have been so blessed in this area to see really cool people come closer
to Christ!! I feel so flipping blessed!!
We had a zone training this week and it was all about how we
can better move the work along in our areas...president Forbes did a great job
with his training...he gave me a lot to think about and a lot of ideas of how
sister Pead and I can get the work moving a lot faster in our area. so I’m
really excited to put some of the ideas to action...and of course it was fun to
see some of my missionary friends who are serving in other areas there’s
so funny to see how all of us have changed and grown since we last saw each
other...I love what the gospel of Jesus Christ does to us personally! It’s the
Well, I don't have much time I will try to write
more on monday!!
Sister Randi
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