Friends and Family!!!
It has been a WET week in the MMM! The rains keep coming
DOWN! We have gotten some breaks in this madness, so I guess is shouldn't
complain too much....besides the rain, it has been a great week, full of really
random things! The thought keeps coming to me: why do people let
18-21ish year olds come into their homes and teach them about Jesus?? Like, in
what world does this make since....MY WORLD because it happens day after day
and week after week! This is one of the ways that Heavenly Father reminds me
that this is his HIS work and he will always provide a way for his work to get
to all his children..even if that means, sending us into peoples homes to
invite them to follow his sons example and be baptized! Yes, that is what I do!!!
And it’s just GREAT!
I guess to start this week, I feel like recounting my week
<So, yesterday I got to Skype my family! it was so
awesome!!! I couldn't believe how big stu is getting! I love that nothing has
really relationships with my family is still the same! My best was
when they flipped the camera to the TV to try and show me this cute golfer kid
who is all the talk in the golfing world...I think his name is Jordan..or
something like that! It made me smile to know that it was okay to just be my
boy-crazy self..even as a servant of the Lord! We talked about lots of
random stuff, but that is how I wanted it to be!! I’m so grateful for my family
and the love and support that they gI’ve me!!! They are the BEST and I’m so
grateful for them!!!>
<On Saturday there was a baptism in my was one
of the primary kids.....he is poly and holy cow!!! the family and food that
there culture is centered on showed!!! my favorite part was on the invite it
said that a "lite lunch" would be served after...yall! there was
NOTHING lite about that lunch!!!! they packed our plates high and deep! and
then told us to go back for more!!! I could hardly get through the first
layer...and then the thought came that I had to eat again in 2 hours at our
dinner appointment popped in!! Lets just say that I know that the atonement is
real cause I was able to eat the food on my plate and the food at our dinner
appointment and I didn't puke! true story!>
<On Friday, we had a great lesson with our investigator
sister SS. she has been meeting with the missionaries for months. Sister
reber and I are kinda at a point where we don't really know what to teach her
next. We have gone over all the lessons and nothing seems to be clicking.
So we came up with a lesson on friday..however, it didn't really feel
right. So we changed it to the Holy ghost. Of course I was not
gunna say anything, but in my mind it was thinking: Sister Reber, we have
taught her about the holy ghost for the past two weeks..I feel like we are
beating it dead with a stick!!! I didn't say it and just went along with it
praying that the spirit would lead us to what she really needed to her....Come
to find out, that the spirit had already lead sister Reber to just what she
needed to hear and that was the holy ghost! it was so cool to see how sister
reber was able to answer all the questions that sister ss needed in the lesson
she was so inspired to prepare! It was awesome!!! I will never question sister
reber again on a lesson plan in my mind again!>
<So, Thursday, was GREAT! we had a lesson with
sister w and it was totally wicked! Sister reber and I had planned to watch a
movie on the life of joseph smith with her. So we got all ready and were
enjoying the opening scenes when her DVD player freaked out and skipped to the
end of the movie! We did everything we could think of to stop it from
happening, but nothing would would just keep skipping! I leaded
over to sister reber and said that I didn't think that we were meant to watch
the movie with her today..she agreed and then asked what we were gunna is the thing...we didn't plan a backup lesson so we
just winged it! And what do you know, the spirit took over again and it turned
out to be an awesome lesson! We talked about the gospel of Jesus Christ (faith,
repentance, baptism, holy ghost, enduring to the end) and how if we apply it to
our everyday lI’ves we will stay on the path that leads us back to our heavenly
father. Sister w thought it was great and just loved how it all made so
much since! we even talked a little bit about her getting baptized and she
didn't get mad at me this time!! It was cool to see how she is experiencing a
change of heart and thinking more about getting baptized herself!>
<Wednesday, we had exchanges! exchanges are fun because
you get to work with different sisters in the mission and get to know the other
missionaries. I stayed in Prior Lake and
our new STL sister Breedlove come to work with me and sister reber went to work
with sister Simpson. It was really fun to get to know sister breedlove
and work with her. She is a great missionary and knows how to get the job
done! she is super spiritual and you can feel the spirit so strong when she
testifies of what she knows to be true. We had fun together and were able
to find a new investigator (who sister reber and I will be meeting with
tonight). WE also had district meeting for the first time since transfers and
it was kinda weird...just about half the missionaries are new to our district
and it was really quite cause like no one would talk! thats one think I hate
about transfers, everyone gets all awkward around each other! We also met
with our investigator sister G. she is getting ready to be baptized next
week and we pretty much had a party at her house...we had our zone leaders and
a member at the lesson with us! it was awesome!!! I love it when we have lots
of people at lessons cause you get lots of different ideas and opinions.
the spirit was so strong and sister g even shared her testimony with us
and she is SO ready for baptism!>
<Tuesday, we met with our investigator sister k, who is
still just moving right along...i love teaching her because she has truly been
changed as she has learned about the restored gospel..the light that is in her
eyes, brightens my days..i don't think she even knows how much i'm grateful to
be able to teach her! She has really opened my eyes to how important the
gospel is in our lI’ves...she has such a great relationship with her father in
heaven and truly only wants to follow him...working with her has also made me
so grateful to have grown up in a home with the gospel...i think that as a life
long member of the church I have really taken for granted the presences of the
spirit in my home and the blessings that have come because of it. How
much more I want that in my future family!>
<Monday! crazy sister reber and I thought it
was time that we cleaned out our filter in our we went outside to
the big dumpster.....Well, here is the thing, id doing so we dropped an
important piece inside the dumpster. I asked
sister reber if it would still work with out it and she just looked at me and
said: do you really think that it would work without the FILTER???? you idiot!
So, I did what any good friend would do and took one for the team and got in
the dumpster and fished the filter out! Yes is smelled gross and there were a
couple of flies, but I managed to get out alI’ve! WE went about our pday and
when the time came to go outside to meet our joint teacher for the lesson we
had that night, I couldn't find my step-counter.....we looked EVERYWHERE and it
was no were to be found...then it come to me!!! I had it on when I jumped in
the dumpster and I bet it fell off! So we ran back outside...and what do you
know..sitting at the bottom was my step-counter! so, skirt and all I jumped
back into the dumpster to get it...and of course the moment I get my head out
is see our joint teaching laughing and taking pictures of my in the dumpster in
my work clothes! So dignified..RIGHT!?!?>
Well, that sums up my week, i'm so grateful for all the love
and support I have! I have been blessed with the greatest family and friends!
Thanks for all the emails, letters, prayers!!! it really means so much! I hope
yall have a great week!!!
Sister Randi
I want to see the dumpster picture! What a good sport. Please tell me my daughter didn't really call her an idiot! It is so fun to hear from Sister Hulets perspective on the amazing adventure these two are having. She is a delight!
ReplyDeleteMichelle Reber
Whoops. Looked again with my eyes open this time and there was the picture of Sister Hulet in the dumpster. Too cute!