Family and Friends!!!
So, it’s like pretty much raining buckets again as I type!!!
The rain is LOUD and just coming down!! It wouldn't surprise me if we found a
new lake outside!! hahaha! Not gunna lie, I’m so over all this rain...we had a great
weekend-totally got my first sunburn of the year-and now we have dark cloud
cover and rain! WHAT IS THIS?!?! it’s so rude!
this week has been great and seemed to have got by so fast!
it feels like it was just pday yesterday! so, here is a quick sum-up of
my week!
Today we went over to the C family's house and helped make
and EAT tamales! HOLY COW! they were so good!! and not that hard to make! it
was fun! the kids are so funny! when we were there last we played "dont
eat pete" with them, so of course they wanted to play again yesterday...we
didn't have any M&Ms with us so they thought we could just play with the
tamales! Sister C didn't like that idea! After our cooking lesson we went
to the Mission President's Fireside. President's fireside is a meeting
where recent converts will share their stories of how they came to know that
the church was true and how it has impacted their lives. We took our
investigator Sister K and she seemed to really enjoy it! the speakers were
really good! I love how everyone has a different background! No two stories are
ever the same! The spirit was strong and it was a great night!
It was a day of finding...we didn't have much luck, but have
a few new potentials, which we can work with :) It was stake conference this
weekend so, Saturday night we went to the adult session and it was great!
Brother C for our ward shared his conversion story, along with a lady who has
been less-active for YEARS...i loved both of there talks! Elder Spackman
of the 70 was here and also spoke. He did a really great job and shared
so awesome missionary favorite was his stories about the
people he talked to while on the made me think: well, airplanes
would be a perfect place to contact people because it’s not like they could
runaway or bad we cant leave our area!! Overall, I really enjoyed
On Friday I attended my second funeral service of my
mission: Sister B's daughter lost her pet cat Sir Simon last winter and it has
been sitting in Sister B's freezer ALL winter because the ground was to frozen
to bury it! the service was short, all the better! We placed Sir Simon in the
garden....the best part of the hole event was when sister B asked why the hole
was so didn't occur to her that if the cat was not buried under the
frost line, it could pop up next spring...Then the thought far down
did we bury the other cat last year???? totallly was not that deep!!! She is so
freaked out that a zombie cat is gunna pop out of her garden!!
On Thursday we had a great lesson with Sister k. We
watched the Joseph Smith movie and HOLY COW!! the spirit was so strong! After
the movie was over, we all just sat there..not wanted to move...I know, without
a doubt that Joseph Smith is a prophet of God...that he was called to restore
Christ Church again on the earth. Sister Reber shared her testimony with
sister K and it AWESOME! Sister K totally felt the spirit and said that it gave
her a lot to think a good way :)
We had a great lesson with Sister G. We had it at the
church with our ward mission leader Brother LB. It was so GOOD! by the
end of the lessons we were all in tears! the spirit was so strong! Funny how
that happens. Brother LB shared a personal story with us about how
Heavenly Father sometimes didn't give us what we ask for in prayers because he
has something even better in mind for us....this was not the first time that
i've heard someone say that, but I guess I never really understood it before
now! it totally clicked! Right after he said that I thought of a couple things
that I had prayed so hard for before, yet the outcome was the total opposite.
It wasn't until wednesday that I understood why; Heavenly Father had
something different and far more better in mind then what I was asking! I know
that it’s true. I know that as we pray,
he hears and answers them..just not always on our time table or in the way we
want..but answers and understanding DOSE come.
We also did some finding today..and one never knows the type
of people you will meet while finding...we met this guy who was one card short
or maybe five cards short a full was GREAT! He told us over and over
and over how Sister Reber and I were "clairvoyant" it was
really funny...he also told us about how there are evil people in this world
that looked like us good people and we needed to watch out! it was so funny, I was
trying to hard to hold back my laughter!
On tuesday we did some finding in the afternoon. We were
not having the best luck, but it was whatever I we were walking back
to our apartment, Sister Reber thought we should try one we did.
And it was the one! We met a lady named A..we talked to her for a bit and
were able to share with her the message of the restoration. It was really
oh, last monday...was our pday. We went shopping and
just hung out at home...nothing to exciting, yet super relaxing!
So, in the sister missionary world our half way mark is a
big deal..we love to celebrate it and take pictures to remember I hope
yall enjoy the pictures of Sister Reber and I :) we will always remember our 9
month mark!! I hope everyone has a great week! Thanks for all the love and
support! I have the BEST family and friends in the world!
PS! it will not let me send my pictures with my
yall are just gunna get like 50 eamils from me :)
Sister Randi
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