Family and Friends!!!
It’s been a great week in the MMM!
so many miracles and just awesome people! I love them!!! It’s so crazy how as
you are in the service of you God, he opens you heart and you able to just LOVE
everyone!!! I just don't want to leave! I'm so grateful that I get to be here
for a least 6 more weeks!
So, like I said last Monday,
sister Pead and I went and played some mini-golf. that was fun and
relaxing, even though I’m not the best at it! I did get a hole in one and so
that was really cool! I was so happy! sister pead rolled her eyes cause she had
NO idea how I was able to do that! hahaha!! we did our normal pday stuff after:
shop, bake, write letters, and sleep! I have never wanted to sleep this much!
Sister Pead and I were talking and we can totally feel the last year catching
up to us..but its all good! We also had some great lessons that
night. We met with sister W and took a recent convert teaching with us,
which was awesome! We talked about how important the Atonement is, I loved
hearing sister C (recent convert) testify of the power it has had in her life
and what the gospel of Jesus Christ has brought into her home. It was so
awesome! this work is TOO good!
here is the thing..i don't really
remember what happened and I didn't bring my planner to the
ya..sorry!!! :)
So, Wednesday we went to visit a
returning member sister DC. She is from Asia somewhere and is so funny! every
time we go over there she has to feed us something...don't worry, today it was
normal food :) none of that Asian food. But she was so excited to show us
the temple dresses that she had made to go back to the temple the following
week. Man, can that woman sew! there dresses were really pretty.
they were made out of different types of white lace. After she
played dress up, she came out with a huge bag of skirts..she said that she
couldn't fit into them any more..and so it was our turn to try on clothes.
needless to say we left with a bag each of skirts. I wore one to church yesterday and it totally
made her day! it didn't look to bad, the only problem was that it was like 3-4
sizes too big so I had to make sure it didn't fall off!! hahaha!!!
Later that night the best thing in
my world happened! so we went to see sister W again and our less active sister
S came teaching with us! I was crying on the inside the HOLE time. it was
so cool to hear her testify to sister W of how the gospel was made a difference
in her life. She was AWESOME!! our lesson was really good and the spirit
was so strong! it was so cool to be in a room talking with a long time
member, a returning member, and an investigator...honestly words cannot say how
awesome it was....i think thought that at that moment I could really understand
why missionary work is important...not only are we here to bring others to the
gospel, but to help those who have fallen away and are struggling. it was
just so coolbeans!
On Thursday we did a service with
the Elders. We got a new Elder fresh from the MTC (missionary training
center) so we got to meet him. He seems really nice, but is still in his ya..sister pead and I are trying to break him in! hahaha!! But we
all went over to the C families house to paint there walls. it was a lot
of fun! We just have so much FUN over there...we got most of the up stairs done
so that was a positive.
After painting we had a lesson
with sister S and her son, brother T. so last week we taught him the ten
commandments and so when we went over on Thursday we reviewed them and he was
able to tell us each one and do the hand actions that go with them! We were so
pumped that he was able to remember them! It totally made our day. We
then reviewed the restoration and acted it was really funny and I kinda
wish we had it on camera..but we don't so...sorry!
So funny story of the week! on our
way home from dinner we stopped by one of the many lakes in our area to take a
picture. It was really windy and the waves were crazy! it was almost like the
ocean, only we could see the other side where the beach is and you cannot do
that at the ocean :) so, we were on the dock and right as I’m about to take to
picture, sister peads name tag gets some air and blows into the lake! I just
started laughing..and gave me a weird look and asked why I was laughing...told
her that I saw the wind rip her name tag off and send it into the water...she
looks down and realizes that her tag is gone! and then starts looking into the
water to see if she can see it floating in the water.....all I had to say about
that was "She gone!" It was really funny!! Later that night we
texted our district leader Froggin (really his name is Foggin) and asked what
he would say if a missionary may or may not have jumped into a lake after a
name tag....all he said back was: you did not! we had to laugh can like he
thought we really would!! we just had to mess with him :)
So, today we went over the M
families house and helped sister M get stuff ready for her daughter's birthday
the next day. We were taking off the glue crap that holds the paper on to
the outside of baby food jars. so we were scrubbing and scrubbing and it
was not coming next thing we know brother M goes out to the garage
and brings in a can of stuff that takes of tar! so we start spraying that on
the jars..and if you let it sit for a minute and then rub it in, the glue
crap comes right off...when we were done brother M looks at the back of the can
and reads us the safety guidelines...we pretty much didn't listen to any of
them..from what he read it was totally hazardous and not good to use in a room without
proper ventilation! hahaha!! we laughed so hard! it was really fun!
One miracle we saw happened on Saturday. Some recent converts- the
G family- invited us over for lunch and this was not just any lunch. You
see, they had the Elders over to eat ribs and when sister G serves ribs, it’s a
half rack! When the Elders were over they were not able to eat them all.
So we took this as a challenge, and all I have to say about that is
CHALLENGE ACCEPTED! So when we got to their house, they happened to have family
over and Brother G cousin Brother L ate with us. Brother L told us about
how he missed his bus ride home earlier and now had to wait for the next bus.
At the end of lunch I shared a thought about Faith in Jesus Christ, realizing
after that I should have shared the Restoration with Brother L. However, as we
talked more about faith, he shared with us how he has had a lot of questions
about religion and was not happy with the church he has been attending. We were
able to then share with him about the restoration and the spirit was really
strong. He took a Book of Mormon and said that he would look up the
missionaries when he gets back to his home in Texas. Later we found out that
for the rest of the day he wouldn't let go of the Book of Mormon! He held on to
it all day. It was really cool to see how heavenly father puts people in our
path at just the RIGHT moment when they need the gospel. Just so yall all
know, Sister Pead and I totally beat the elders! We ate all of them!!!
So, that was my week! I'm having a ton of fun and just loving
every minute! I’m so grateful that I finally listened to the spirit and come on
a mission. It has been a great experience, that I wouldn't trade for the
world! Thanks for all the love and support! I have the BEST family and
Sister Randi
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